Professor and Associate Dean for 研究, 研究生 Studies, and 教师 Affairs
College of 艺术 & 信


9026 BATTEN ARTS & 信
NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, (1999)

M.A. in Economics, University of Pittsburgh, (1993)

B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science, Wichita State University, (1989)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

米勒,维. E. "" $4. -二零零一年五月
米勒,维. E. "" $6. Old Dominion University. - August 2000


Ethical Theory, Practical 道德 (including Business, 环境, and Political 道德), Political Philosophy, J. S. 机

研究 Interests

Ethical Theory (esp. Consequentialism), Social and Political Philosophy, J. S. 机


米勒,维. E. (2021). Moral 教育 and Rule Consequentialism. 71 (1) , pp. 120-40.
米勒,维. E. (2017). 机's Act-Utilitarian Interpreters on Utilitarianism Chapter V Paragraph 14. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (5) , pp. 674–93.
米勒,维. E. (2015). The Place of Plural Voting in 机’s Conception of Representative Government. Review of Politics 77 (3) , pp. 399–423.
米勒,维. E. (2003). Actual-Consequence Act Utilitarianism and the Best Possible Humans. 第十六(1)页. 49–62.
米勒,维. E. (2000). John Stuart 机's Civic Liberalism. 历史 of Political Thought 第21页. 88–113.

米勒,维. E. (2010). J. S. 机: Moral, Social and Political Thought. 译林出版社.

Book Chapters

米勒,维. E. (2014). Rule Utilitarianism The Cambridge Companion to Utilitarianism (pp. 146-165) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
米勒,维. E. (2006). 机's Theory of Sanctions The Blackwell Guide to 机's Utilitarianism (pp. 159–73) Blackwell.
米勒,维. E. 以及南卡罗莱纳州的梅迪克. K. . (2002). Campaign 道德: Self-Interest or Civic Responsibility? in . Shades of Gray: Perspectives on Campaign 道德 (pp. 18–38) Washington, DC: Brookings Institute.
  • 2017: Charles O. and Elizabeth C. Burgess 教师 研究 and Creativity Award, College of 艺术 and 信, Old Dominion University
  • 2017: Outstanding 服务 to the College Award, College of 艺术 and 信, Old Dominion University
  • 2015: Senior Scholar, College of 艺术 and 信, Old Dominion University
  • 2011: Robert L. Stern Award for Excellence in 教学, College of 艺术 and 信
  • 2007: Residential Fellowship, Centre for 道德, Philosophy and Public Affairs, St. Andrews University (St. Andrews, Scotland)
  • 1992: Economics and Philosophy Fellow, University of Pittsburgh Economics Department