Innovative 健康care Providers

a nurse and patient

Enhance your expertise in theory, 研究, 高级护理实践通过学术课程和临床经验,采取全面的方法来健康和护理. ODU的FNP项目是该国仅有的17个项目之一,该项目旨在提供技术支持的训导员基础设施. You will be taught by ODU faculty who are involved in healthcare nationally, including innovative solutions to improve healthcare to rural areas through telehealth, interprofessional education, and the program bridges to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.

bet8体育娱乐入口已经为学生提供家庭护理从业者(FNP)的角色超过二十年. 该课程的毕业生在临床、研究和学术领域都取得了成功. 批判性思维, clinical problem-solving, and the 研究 process are emphasized throughout the curriculum. FNP计划准备高级实践学生在整个生命周期中为个人和家庭提供全方位的初级保健服务. ODU FNP学生有各种初级保健机构的临床经验,包括家庭实践, 内科医学, 儿科, 女性的健康, and specialty clinical sites. 该课程旨在为高级实习学生提供在初级保健系统中评估和管理客户/家庭的技能. ODU的FNP项目的一个重要而独特的特点是我们与东弗吉尼亚医学院的Sentara模拟和沉浸式学习中心的合作, one of the largest of its kind in the U.S. with more than 115 standardized patients ages 14 to 84. FNP学生每学期与标准化患者进行模拟学习体验,重点是利用先进的教育策略和技术实现专业卓越.

ODU的埃尔默护理学院和高级实践课程得到了大学护理教育委员会(CCNE)的全面认可。. 成功完成FNP课程的学生有资格申请美国护士资格认证协会或美国护士从业人员学会的FNP认证, and licensure as a nurse practitioner.

Advance Your Nursing Career

Our graduates are leaders, innovative healthcare providers, and change agents. This master's program can help you take your nursing career to the next level as a leader in:

  • Family Practice/Primary Care clinics
  • Life stage medicine such as Pediatrics and Gerontology
  • Specialties including Internal Medicine, 肿瘤学, 传染性疾病, 心血管保健, 和妇女健康
  • 健康 Education and Disease Prevention
  • 研究 and Education
  • 公共卫生 and 社区 健康 Clinics
  • Acute Care and 紧急 服务s

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. 当前的, unencumbered license as a registered nurse (RN) with 1 year of current experience in the role.
  2. 必须完成由正式大学成绩单确认的本科身体/健康评估课程和本科统计学课程. 在申请截止日期之前未完成这些先决条件的申请人将不会被录取.
  3. 从地区认可的学院或大学获得护理或相关科学领域的学士学位,至少3分.0 grade point average.
  4. Three letters of recommendation, 至少一份来自前教员,至少一份来自注册护士职位上的前雇主.
  5. 一篇500-700字的短文,阐述申请人寻求家庭护士执业资格认证的目标和原因.

在其他认可机构完成的研究生水平课程最多12个学分可以考虑转移,如果这些学分不是以前授予学位的一部分. Transfer credits may include only coursework for which grades of B or higher are earned. No credits may be transferred if they are older than eight years. 希望转移允许学分的学生必须向研究生课程主任提交一份评估转移学分的特殊请求. 任何转学分申请应在录取通知后两周内提交给项目主任.

The Family 护士 program is offered primarily online, as a distance learning program. FNP课程以多种形式提供,包括在线内容和电视(视频流)讲座. Students will access course presentations and information via the Canvas platform. 指定的课程可能包括一些电视直播/视频流课程,需要亲自或通过视频流出席. 另外, 学生必须在一个学期内参加ODU弗吉尼亚海滩校区的一次或多次会议,以与标准化患者一起工作.

家庭护士执业计划需要在包括初级保健在内的各种环境中与教师批准的导师有临床经验, 儿科, 女性的健康. bet8体育娱乐入口埃尔默护理学院有一名学生临床服务协调员,他协助实习课程的教师和学生找到合适的临床地点,并确保适当的协议到位. 强烈鼓励学生在项目开始前确定这些经验的潜在临床场所.

是的, if the site and preceptors are approved by the faculty, 并在遵守国家互惠协议授权国家委员会的州(见 for further information regarding your state). Because faculty conduct sites visits each semester, 临床站点必须能够访问符合HIPAA的远程医疗技术或软件,以便教师现场访问可以虚拟完成.

For each credit hour of course work, it is recommended that you study 3-6 hours per week. The amount of time devoted to online activities such as chats, 讨论, 会议, library literature searches, 等. depends on the structure of the individual course. 有些课程每周都有要求,而有些课程每隔一段时间就安排活动.

FNP项目的课程信息包括学期课程大纲和课程描述, 请浏览 研究生目录.

CCNE Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master's degree program in nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice program at Old Dominion University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (