
odu -爵士乐团- 2018 -实习- 18

作为一名F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 you have multiple major options and a music minor option, 每一个都有特别的重点.

Take time to explore these options below and see what ODU has to offer. 尽管ODU很大,F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 is a small community featuring one-on-one mentoring with faculty, 访问世界知名的客座艺术家, many performance opportunities and abundant chances to collaborate with peers. Private lessons are taught by nationally recognized faculty who are experts in their specific fields. 你是否对性能感兴趣, 音乐教育, 音乐理论与作曲, 或者录音技术, F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 can help you realize your aspirations.


观看包括B在内的节目.A还是B.M. 音乐学士学位,音乐教育学士学位,辅修音乐专业


填妥及递交 ODU本科入学申请表 早期.
强烈建议尽早申请. Applications 完整的d by Dec 1 receive priority consideration for merit based, 学术奖学金. 入学F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 is selective and based on an audition. A letter of acceptance from ODU 本科招生 does not signify admission into a F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院学位课程. Official notification of acceptance into any music program will come in the form of an email from F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 notifying applicants of its admissions decision. 当F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 scholarship consideration is extended to all who audition, 在任何时候, 给新来的人的报价, 新生通常在三月底入学.

一个单独的 F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院申请 是必需的 in addition to your ODU 本科入学 Application.

You do not need to be admitted to ODU 本科招生 prior to submitting your Music Application.


  1. 两个引用: 名字, 标题机构/公司信息, 电子邮件地址, and phone number for each of the two academic references: one music reference to include your music director or private teacher, 一个非音乐参考包括顾问, 指导顾问, 社区领袖, 等. Ask these individuals to submit recommendation letters in support of your application. Each recommender will receive an auto-email with submission instructions.
  2. 论文: A 300-500 word essay describing your involvement in music as well as your objectives and professional aspirations.
  3. 曲目列表: Titles and composers of pieces studied intensively and considered part of your solo 曲目, 包括技术研究, 合奏曲目.
  4. 艺术简历: A brief overview of your musical background including private study, 表演, 乐团, 曲目, 奖, 等. You can type directly into the application or upload an existing resume. 歌手应该包括头部照片或照片.
  5. 录制的试镜视频* (optional) Only uploaded video qualifies for audition; audio alone will not be considered.

*注意: Applicants that live within a two-hour radius from the ODU campus must 完整的 the live audition. Those who live beyond a two-hour radius and are unable to visit the campus for a live audition may upload a recorded video audition as part of F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院的申请. Scholarship consideration is prioritized to applicants who perform on-campus auditions instead of recorded auditions. Audition recordings must conform to the same audition requirements as an on-campus audition unless otherwise noted. Audition recordings are only accepted via upload through our audition portal, http://app.getacceptd.com/odmusic. DVD, CD, YouTube (or similar) submissions received by postal mail or email are not accepted and will neither be reviewed nor acted upon if received. 上传每个选择作为一个单独的录音文件. Audio recordings are not acceptable; only video will be considered for audition. 只有在所有要求的F之后才会审查录音. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院的申请 materials have been received and processed.

重要的是: You will receive an Application Confirmation email immediately upon successful submission of your Music Application. 电子邮件 support@getacceptd.com 如果您没有收到确认电子邮件. Applications must be successfully submitted in order to be considered.

面试日期/时间仅供确认  收到 完整的 申请材料. You are responsible for tracking the status of your 申请材料, as outlined below:

  • 建议: 登录到 GetAcceptd.com to track the submission status of your recommendation letters. You are strongly encouraged to follow-up with recommenders to ensure that your letters are submitted by Application Deadlines.
  • ODU本科招生申请: 检查你的 应用程序状态 经常.


谢谢你对F的兴趣. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院. Carefully review all application and audition information before beginning your application. 所有本科生申请者,除了那些对

  • B.A. 音乐学(仅限音乐史、音乐理论)
  • 辅修音乐史
  • B.M. 在作文
  • 辅修作曲

are required to perform a live audition or upload a recorded audition video. While entry into the above programs does not require an audition, ODU所有音乐奖学金的资格. Therefore, we strongly encourage all scholarship seeking candidates to audition. 见试镜日期和最后期限下面. 要申请,请访问 http://app.getacceptd.com/odmusic 或者点击 提交网上申请 下面的按钮.


Complete 本科 Application Materials include: ODU 本科入学 Application, F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院申请 consisting of Essay, 两封推荐信, 艺术简历和写作作品集(如适用).

Complete Music Audition Application Materials for Bachelor of Music, 英航爵士乐, 和辅修音乐必须在以下时间获得: 在这一天试镜:
2024年8月17日(仅限2024年秋季入学的ODU学生) 2024年8月24日
2024年11月30日 2024年12月7日
2025年1月4日 2025年1月11日
2025年1月18日 2025年1月25日
2025年2月10日 2025年2月17日
2025年2月22日 2025年3月1日

不完整的申请不予考虑. 你仍然可以申请ODU和/或F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院 后 these designated deadlines. 然而, applicants who submit 完整的 申请材料 后 the designated deadline will be confirmed for an audition date only if space is available. Applicants are responsible for tracking the status of recommendation letters.

If you have any technical questions about submitting your materials, 你可以联系Acceptd的支持团队 support@getacceptd.com or 1.888.725.2122分机2.