


出口控制 refers to the regulations implemented by the United States government that control the export of physical items and information from the U.S. 或在美国境内的外国人. 这些条例保护国家安全和外交政策利益, 防止恐怖主义和大规模毁灭性武器的扩散, 保护你.S. 经济竞争力. 它支配着技术, 技术数据, 技术援助, 物品或材料以实物或电子方式出口, 运, 传播, 转移, 或者分享到国外, 人, 或实体. 出口管制条例可能影响研究活动, 包括海外航运, 信息技术, 国际旅行, 笔记本电脑和软件, 参加国防部限制会议, 雇佣工人, 受控物品和信息的处理, 和更多的.

Export control compliance is essential for individuals and 组织s engaging in activities involving 技术 以及技术数据 with international connections. Non-compliance with export controls can result in severe monetary and criminal penalties against individuals as well as 组织s, 包括罚款, 牢狱之灾, 失去出口特权, 失去研究合同, 名誉受损. 因此, it is crucial for individuals and 组织s to be aware of the regulations and ensure that they follow the rules and regulations governing export controls.

bet8体育娱乐入口通过其出口管制计划坚持出口管制, 是由安全研究办公室管理的吗. The program is designed to ensure that ODU's research and academic activities comply with all applicable U.S. 管理货物、技术和信息出口的法律法规. 

ODU的项目为教师提供指导和培训, 工作人员, and students involved in research or other activities that may be subject to export control regulations. The program works with researchers to identify potential export control issues early in the research process, 确保获得必要的许可和批准, 并制定适当的保护措施来保护敏感信息. 它还管理ODU的技术控制计划, which outlines specific procedures for safeguarding and controlling the access to export-controlled items and information. 

ODU takes export control compliance very seriously and works closely with federal agencies to stay up to date on changes to export control regulations. 大学定期进行审计,以确保程序仍然有效, 它鼓励教师, 工作人员, 并要求学生报告任何潜在的出口管制问题或违规行为. ODU's commitment to export control compliance helps to ensure that the university's research and academic activities can continue to contribute to the national and international community while maintaining 国家安全 and protecting U.S. 经济利益. 


外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)是美国财政部下属的一个部门.S. Treasury responsible for implementing and enforcing economic and trade sanctions against foreign countries, 实体, 和个人. 这些制裁计划可能会禁止或限制出口, 进口, 金融交易, 以及与受制裁国家或个人的其他类型的商业活动.

OFAC的规定禁止收款, 捐款, 以及来自个人的其他形式的支持, 实体, 或者是被制裁的国家. These regulations also impact the ability of universities to conduct research and academic activities involving sanctioned countries 或实体, 因为它们禁止提供与这些活动有关的服务或技术援助. 结果是, universities must be diligent in their compliance efforts and regularly monitor and screen individuals and 实体 with whom they engage in research and other academic activities.

确保遵守OFAC的规定, ODU must screening individuals and 实体 involved in research and academic activities against OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list and other restricted party lists. ODU must also conduct risk assessments and implement appropriate due diligence procedures when engaging in activities that involve sanctioned countries 或实体. 不遵守OFAC规定可能导致巨额罚款, 声誉损失, 以及法律责任, so ODU must take compliance seriously and make it a priority in all their international activities.

The 《网站登录》 is a set of United States government regulations that control the export and import of defense-related articles, 防御服务, 以及技术数据. The goal of ITAR is to regulate the export and import of these items to safeguard 国家安全 and further 外交政策 objectives. 这些规定适用于任何公司, 组织, 或者是生产的个体, 出口, 或者经纪人辩护文章, 防御服务, 或者技术数据. 违反ITAR规定可能导致严厉的处罚, 包括巨额罚款和监禁.

从事涉及itar管制项目的研究的大学, 技术数据, 或国防服务必须遵守ITAR规定. ODU’s 出口控制 Program is responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that will prevent the unauthorized export or transfer of controlled items, 技术数据, 或者国防服务. 这包括审查研究协议, 识别itar管制项目, 并制定技术控制方案,保障技术和数据的安全. The program also provides training to university personnel who are involved in research activities, ensuring that they understand their responsibilities and the importance of complying with ITAR regulations.

ODU must also be mindful of the potential impact of ITAR regulations on international collaborations and partnerships. 在很多情况下, 外国人参与大学的研究活动, 这会触发ITAR要求. ODU must ensure appropriate procedures are being followed when working with foreign nationals and sharing 技术数据 and 防御服务 with them. This may involve obtaining licenses or authorizations from the US government before transferring or sharing controlled items, 技术数据, 或者与外国公民的国防服务.

The 《bet8体育娱乐入口》 is a set of federal regulations that governs the export and re-export of certain items, 包括货物, 技术, 软件, 以及技术数据. EAR由 工业及保安局 在美国境内.S. 商务部. EAR旨在促进美国的经济发展.S. 国家安全, 外交政策, 通过控制敏感物项和技术的出口来获取经济利益. 该条例规定了出口货物的具体规则和要求 商业管制清单(CCL) 并限制向某些国家和实体出口物品.

遵守EAR的政策和指导方针, ODU在安全研究办公室下建立了一个出口管制计划. The program is responsible for overseeing and managing the export of controlled items and technologies from the University. 它确保所有出口活动都符合EAR规定, 并协助教职员工, 工作人员, 帮助学生了解出口管制对其研究项目的要求. 它提供培训, 指导, and support to researchers in identifying controlled items and technologies and helps to obtain necessary export licenses when required.

The 出口控制 Program also works with the University’s Office 研究 to review all sponsored research proposals and agreements to identify any export control issues. The program conducts regular assessments of the University’s export control processes and procedures and works closely with faculty and 工作人员 to maintain compliance with EAR regulations. 除了, 提供国际航运指导, 国外旅行, 外国游客, and manages the 技术 control plan process to ensure that export-controlled items and technologies are protected and used appropriately.

外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)是美国财政部下属的一个部门.S. Treasury responsible for implementing and enforcing economic and trade sanctions against foreign countries, 实体, 和个人. 这些制裁计划可能会禁止或限制出口, 进口, 金融交易, 以及与受制裁国家或个人的其他类型的商业活动.

OFAC的规定禁止收款, 捐款, 以及来自个人的其他形式的支持, 实体, 或者是被制裁的国家. These regulations also impact the ability of universities to conduct research and academic activities involving sanctioned countries 或实体, 因为它们禁止提供与这些活动有关的服务或技术援助. 结果是, universities must be diligent in their compliance efforts and regularly monitor and screen individuals and 实体 with whom they engage in research and other academic activities.

确保遵守OFAC的规定, ODU must screening individuals and 实体 involved in research and academic activities against OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list and other restricted party lists. ODU must also conduct risk assessments and implement appropriate due diligence procedures when engaging in activities that involve sanctioned countries 或实体. 不遵守OFAC规定可能导致巨额罚款, 声誉损失, 以及法律责任, so ODU must take compliance seriously and make it a priority in all their international activities.

The 《网站登录》 is a set of United States government regulations that control the export and import of defense-related articles, 防御服务, 以及技术数据. The goal of ITAR is to regulate the export and import of these items to safeguard 国家安全 and further 外交政策 objectives. 这些规定适用于任何公司, 组织, 或者是生产的个体, 出口, 或者经纪人辩护文章, 防御服务, 或者技术数据. 违反ITAR规定可能导致严厉的处罚, 包括巨额罚款和监禁.

从事涉及itar管制项目的研究的大学, 技术数据, 或国防服务必须遵守ITAR规定. ODU’s 出口控制 Program is responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that will prevent the unauthorized export or transfer of controlled items, 技术数据, 或者国防服务. 这包括审查研究协议, 识别itar管制项目, 并制定技术控制方案,保障技术和数据的安全. The program also provides training to university personnel who are involved in research activities, ensuring that they understand their responsibilities and the importance of complying with ITAR regulations.

ODU must also be mindful of the potential impact of ITAR regulations on international collaborations and partnerships. 在很多情况下, 外国人参与大学的研究活动, 这会触发ITAR要求. ODU must ensure appropriate procedures are being followed when working with foreign nationals and sharing 技术数据 and 防御服务 with them. This may involve obtaining licenses or authorizations from the US government before transferring or sharing controlled items, 技术数据, 或者与外国公民的国防服务.

The 《bet8体育娱乐入口》 is a set of federal regulations that governs the export and re-export of certain items, 包括货物, 技术, 软件, 以及技术数据. EAR由 工业及保安局 在美国境内.S. 商务部. EAR旨在促进美国的经济发展.S. 国家安全, 外交政策, 通过控制敏感物项和技术的出口来获取经济利益. 该条例规定了出口货物的具体规则和要求 商业管制清单(CCL) 并限制向某些国家和实体出口物品.

遵守EAR的政策和指导方针, ODU在安全研究办公室下建立了一个出口管制计划. The program is responsible for overseeing and managing the export of controlled items and technologies from the University. 它确保所有出口活动都符合EAR规定, 并协助教职员工, 工作人员, 帮助学生了解出口管制对其研究项目的要求. 它提供培训, 指导, and support to researchers in identifying controlled items and technologies and helps to obtain necessary export licenses when required.

The 出口控制 Program also works with the University’s Office 研究 to review all sponsored research proposals and agreements to identify any export control issues. The program conducts regular assessments of the University’s export control processes and procedures and works closely with faculty and 工作人员 to maintain compliance with EAR regulations. 除了, 提供国际航运指导, 国外旅行, 外国游客, and manages the 技术 control plan process to ensure that export-controlled items and technologies are protected and used appropriately.